Tristate Car Service

Are you looking for Old-Fashioned SERVICE?

New York Limousine Services. That’s what Automotive Luxury Service is- in fact.

But, Automotive Luxury is also a travel planner, flower shopper, delivery service, luggage handler and so much more for our clients who still demand service. A client requested some Lilacs tomorrow for his fiance coming in at the airport. No problem.

ALS is getting feedback about the way we “answer” your call. Great feedback, because we have real-live reservation staff at our office in Manhattan.
Seems to be a real sore subject, all the people on hold, all over the place-with all kinds of companies, having to press little buttons on their phones, just trying to speak to someone.

Kind of like the feeling when we twitter and blog and post on you-tube. Is anybody watching us, listening to us, following us (and that’s a good thing), or hearing us? They must be- since the phones are ringing with new business.

Getting good feedback from new clients. They like the web-site.
Seem to like the Automotive Luxury way of doing things. Gloom and doom from the financial sector, but lots of buzz in many other areas.

Travelers have to travel and Automotive Service makes that our top priority.
So if you’ve heard or read or seen Automotive Service in your google-ing and tweeting cyberspace & daily life, give Automotive Luxury a call here.

Automotive Luxury soon to be found on Facebook. Follow us on twitter @automotivelimo

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Douglas Camhi has been helping people book limousine and car service transportation for over 25 years. You can tap into his expertise here or by visiting NYC Car Service.